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To Play Bonoloto

You have to select a minimum of 6 numbers (1 to 49) for each bet. If you wish, you can select your numbers for each bet or the system can do it automatically for you, randomly.

The price of a bet is €0.50, but you must play with tickets of at least €1. This means that if your ticket is part of a single draw, you must include at least two bets. If your ticket is part of more than one draw in this week, you can include a single bet.

You have two ways to play and increase your chances of winning:

  • Single Bets: When you select 6 numbers only. This means you can play every time before you pay up to a maximum of 8 bets on a single ticket.
  • Multiple bets: When you select more than 6 numbers (up to 11) or only 5 numbers on each bet. The amount of the bet depends in this case on the number of combinations that you mark.

The draws are held weekly every days. You can choose to participate in one (the next to be held) or in several (those that have not yet taken place that week). In the latter case you will participate with the same combination in all the draws..

Remember that if you win a prize of more than €2,000, so that we can proceed to the payment you must indicate from the details in the winning bet the bank account held by you where you want to receive the prize within three months from the date of the holding of the last draw in which your winning bet participated.


During each draw, in addition to the 6 winning numbers, an additional number and a refund (0 to 9) are drawn. The aim is to give the opportunity to increase their prize to anyone who has successful guessed five of the six numbers of the winning combination and this additional number in the first case, and for them to win back the bet if they have guessed correctly. You do not choose the refund of your ticket, but it is assigned randomly by the Lotteries central systems.

In each draw in which you participate you should check this refund and, if successful, you will receive the prize for the value of the daily bet of this ticket.

You will have a prize if you guess at least 3 numbers.

The draws take place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 9:30 pm.

The approximate odds of winning in Bonoloto are as follows:


Approximate odds of winning

1st (6 Correct)

1 in 13,983,816

2nd (5 Correct+C)

1 in 2,330,636

3rd (5 Correct)

1 in 55,491

4th (4 Correct)

1 in 1,032

5th (3 Correct)

1 in 57


1 in 10