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How to play Lotería Nacional


Initially you will need to choose the draw that you want to participate in (there is always a minimum of 4 draws available for sale).

Nexté you will need toá choose theú 5-digit number (ésub-ticket) with which you want to participate in that lottery draw. If you wish, you can select the numbers you want or the system can do it automatically for you randomly, by putting asterisks on the digits that you do not want to select. You must also indicateé the únumber of ésub-tickets you wish to acquire (between 1 and 10).

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If you choose a úspecific number, keep in mind that this number úmay not be available for sale because it has already been sold or is only sold through éby one of our  Lottery outletsí.

The tenth share sub-tickets generated are virtual (we will never send you a paper sub-ticket, since these are sold exclusively by Lottery outlets) but they are part of the draws with the same conditions as the paper sub-tickets and have the same odds of winning prizes. The only difference is that if you have purchased a paper sub-ticket you must present this to qualify to collect any possible prizes, while in the case of online playing, you'll receive your prizes in exactly the same way as for the rest of the games without the need to present anything.

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The price of each sub-ticketé depends on the draw it is part of:

  • If it is for a Thursday draw, every sub-ticket costs €3.
  • If it is for an ordinary áSaturday draw, every ésub-ticket costs €6€.
  • If it is for a special áSaturday draw, éevery sub-ticket costs €12€ or €15€.
  • If it is for an extraordinary draw, every sub-ticket costs €20.

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You will winá a prize if your únumber (or any of its digits) is chosen in the draw as winning one of the óprizes previously established for that draw: first prize, second prize, last digitsó, adjacent numbersó, key number…).

Draws are normally held weekly on Thursdays and Saturdays. The special draws replace the regular Saturday draws and are held on the same day. Extraordinary draws are held on specific dates, for example:

-          The Children's Drawñ is always held í on 6 January.

-          The Christmas Draw is always held on 22 December.

Remember that if you win a prize of more than €2,000, so that we can proceed to the payment you must indicate from the details in the winning bet the bank account held by you where you want to receive the prize within three months from the date of the holding of the last draw in which your winning bet participated.

If you guess the key number (corresponding to the last digit of the number on your sub-ticket), you will receive the value of the sub-ticket for that draw.

The draws take place on Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. and on áSaturdays between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.

The National Lottery offers different odds of winning according to the type of draw in which you participate. Here are the approximate odds of winning in the most common and popular draws:

Ordinary Thursday Draw (price of a tenth share: €3):


Approximate odds of winning

First prize

1 in 100,000

Second prize

1 in 100,000

4-figure draws

1 in 2,500

3-figure draws

1 in 143

2-figure draws

1 in 11


1 in 3

Ordinary Saturday Draw (price of a tenth share: €6):


Approximate odds of winning

First prize

1 in 100,000

Second prize

1 in 100,000

4-figure draws

1 in 2,500

3-figure draws

1 in 100

2-figure draws

1 in 11


1 in 3

Special Saturday Draw (price of a tenth share: €12):


Approximate odds of winning

First prize

1 in 100,000

Second prize

1 in 100,000

Third prize

1 in 100,000

4-figure draws

1 in 2,000

3-figure draws

1 in 90

2-figure draws

1 in 11


1 in 3

Extraordinary Saturday Draw (price of a tenth share: €15):


Approximate odds of winning

First prize

1 in 100,000

Second prize

1 in 100,000

4-figure draws

1 in 2,000

3-figure draws

1 in 67

2-figure draws

1 in 50


1 in 3

Extraordinary Saturday Draw (price of a tenth share: €20):


Approximate odds of winning

First prize

1 in 100,000

Second prize

1 in 100,000

Third prize

1 in 100,000

3-figure draws

1 in 1,250

2-figure draws

1 in 25


1 in 3

El Niño Draw (price of a tenth share: €20):


Approximate odds of winning

First prize

1 in 100,000

Second prize

1 in 100,000

Third prize

1 in 100,000

4-figure draws

1 in 5,000

3-figure draws

1 in 71

2-figure draws

1 in 20


1 in 3

Christmas Draw (price of a tenth share: €20):


Approximate odds of winning

First prize

1 in 100,000

Second prize

1 in 99,999

Third prize

1 in 99,998

Fourth prize

1 in 49,999

Fifth prize

1 in 12,499

“Pedrea” (fixed sum minor prizes)

1 in 100


1 in 10