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Policy and principles 

In all its operations and activities, Loterías has a firm commitment to Responsible Gambling, based on the following policy and principles:

Responsible gambling policy:

  • 1. Comply with the legislation on gambling and responsible gambling, as well as other commitments that SELAE voluntarily subscribes to.
  • 2. Implement all the mechanisms, both preventive and operative within our reach for the sale of games to minors.
  • 3. Design and implement games that have a low problem gambling risk profile.
  • 4. Promote a culture of responsible gambling in SELAE, through the training of employees, point of sale agents and delegates and the ethical and responsible behaviour of SELAE's professionals with the aim of minimising the possible negative impact generated by gambling.
  • 5. Design and implement mechanisms that allow our participants to have control over their gambling.
  • 6. Promote the implementation of mechanisms for the prevenction and detection of risky gambling behaviour in our participants, implementing appropriate measures in our sales channels. As well as carry out the appropriate follow-up to prevent such behaviour.
  • 7. Promote responsible gambling in all our communicative actions.
  • 8. Promote studies that allow us to understand the impact of games in our participants and improve our responsible gambling model.
  • 9. Promote responsible advertising of our games, which is aligned with current legislation, our responsible gambling model and our values.
  • 10. Provide citizens with accurate and adequate information so that they can carry out their gambling activities in a reasonable and moderate manner, promoting responsible gambling attitudes.
  • 11. Support initiatives that contribute to the promotion of responsible gambling and the minimisation of the impact that some games may have on certain vulnerable people.
  • 12. Promote help for people with gambling problems through public centres or entities declared to be for the public good.
  • 13. Transparent reporting of responsible gambling results and actions carried out.
  • 14. Promote continuous improvement in SELAE's responsible gambling model.
  • 15. Make the reponsible gambling policy available to all interested parties.


  • Incorporate mechanisms to prevent inappropriate access to gambling by minors.
  • Promote integrity and collaboration in the fight against illegal gambling.
  • Identify best practices with regard to responsible gambling.
  • Introduce responsible gambling as integral part of its operations, establishing clear rules to ensure compliance with aplicable regulations and that the interests of players and vulnerable groups are protected.
  • Promote research and/or studies in order to contribute to society's understanding of the social impact of gambling, communicating the results to stakeholders.
  • Provide the public información with accurate and adequate information to enable them to make reasonable choices about their gambling activities, promoting responsible gambling attitudes.
  • Provide training and information on responsible gambling to SELAE employees and implement programmes for sales agents.
  • Inform players and sales agents regarding specialised help centres or associations, in case of excessive gambling.
  • Continuous improvement in its responsible gambling programmes.